Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Goodbye 40

So today is the last day that I am forty.

It has been a brilliant year.

Launched a business, already profitable, have a great team, my relationship with Noel is styling, my relationships with my family rock and I have the best friends ever.

And my relationship with me?

Why do you think it is that we treat ourselves so badly when we wouldn't dream of, in a million years, treating anyone else that way.  Think about it.  If I spoke to Noel the way I speak to myself, we would have lasted about five minutes.

Enter Peter King.

Truly blessed am I that this man has arrived.  I can't think of a label that would do him justice, so we'll go with Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Motivational Something.  He's the "Look at your Life and Wake Up" guy.

Peter runs workshops that expose our behaviour patterns so that we can see them clearly and do something about them.  So I am on a course at the moment  that is focused on mental repeats, you know that stuff we say to ourselves over and over again, until we believe it?  My favourite "you are a delinquent", up there with "you are fat" and "you are an idiot".  But also "you are repulsive" and depending on what kind of day I've been having "how could anyone possibly love you".

Pretty grim.

This nonsense has been floating around in my head for years, these are the words Myself uses, when she is disapproving of my behaviour. 

Peter works with these patterns and shows us how to dismantle them and replace them with positive affirmations.

This is nothing new.  We all watched The Secret, we all know how the Law of Attraction works (in our heads anyway).  I have worked with this material for years, yet the chatter continued, the beliefs remained unchanged.  Why was I still stuck?

Until now.

I can feel a change has happened.  In only four days chatter has quietened.  I am not feeling those awful things about myself.  I have been given a plan of action, which I have stuck to, and OMG, it is really working.  Already!!!!

This is the very best gift I have given myself.  I have an action plan, not a mental plan, of what I need to do over the next 30 days to permenantly change how I think and therefore how I feel.  And therefore how I experience the rest of my life.


Isn't the timing interesting?  Goodbye coffee, bring on the greens, add into the mix some disciplined mental work and.......presto.



  1. Congrats Natalie. I am also giving up coffee FINALLY ... we can do it together - its much easier to give up than alcohol :) Also need to green juice daily - I have been slack!

  2. Hi Anique

    I found alcohol much easier to quit! This one has dragged its heels a bit...

    But so far so good.

