Anyone who has ever crossed me will most certainly have met Myself. She comes out when I am alone and doing nothing. Her role is to seek out anyone who deserves my wrath and talk them into a corner until they are a messy pile of tears, revering in my great strength and completely enormous, out of control ego. Sometimes death is involved.
This ego is alive and well. It is fed. With thoughts, yes, but also with food. And when this ego reaches a certain point, it tips...into Addict.
Addict is the self serving, self loathing, self centred part of Myself. Addict believes that I, and only I, understand real pain and suffering, that no-one else could possibly have it this hard. "No-one understands me, my life is so hard". If you have said these words to yourself before, then you'll probably relate to this hideous Myself person. She is a bitch and she has knives and she will most certainly inflict serious harm, almost always on Me.
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